Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oakland A's

Third set in the MLB Series are the Oakland A's... Make sure to check out the video for instructions and below are the pictures I used for inspiration..

Products used:
Sinful Colors: San Francisco
Petites: Night
Art Deco: Yellow
Art Deco: White

And here is my finished design::

LA Dodgers Nails

This is my take on LA Dodgers Nail Art..... To see a full video on it, check out my you tube..

Products Used:
Sure Promise: Blue
Sure Promise: White
Sure Promise: Red
Flirt Nail Pen: Blue

Here are the pictures that gave me the inspiration:

And now, here is the finished product::

SF Giants Nails

San Francisco Giants Nails
These nails are apart of my MLB Series on Youtube..Make sure you check it out.

Products Used:
Peteites: Night
Pure Ice: Tamale
Sinful Colors: Sunrise
Art Deco: White

Pictures I used for Inspiration:

And here are the Final Pictures :)

Friday, August 5, 2011


Some designs I did on my friends, I have a leopard/cheetah print and a zebra print. Just for fun, here is what I used.

Conffetti-Belle of the Ball
Art Deco-Black

Elf-Light Red
Art Deco-Black

My Birthday Nails

Of Course I love purple and I had to have purple nails for my birthday so this is the design I came up with. A purple french with a dark purple line, added a rose Konad stamp and some simple designs in white. I loved it, was perfect for me.

Products Used:
Base Coat
Wet N Wild - Wild Card
Nabi - Purple
Nabi - White
Konad Stamp Set

Purple Crackle

For the First time I splurged and bout a China Glaze Polish, I bought the crackle so I can test out different brands. So far, I wasn't sold on CHina Glaze. It has a very thick formula, is thick when applying and kind of gloppy. The formula dries before you can even finish your stroke down your nail, and I have very short nails. I have bought many others for less from different brands and I feel they give you more crackle for your money. Try those alternatives first.

Products used:
Base Coat-Seche Clear
Metallica-Wet N WIld
Fault Line- China Glaze
Top Coat- Seche Vite

Sexy Rocker Chic

Here are nails I did on my friend, also for gay pride weekend. There is plaid on all the nails except the ring finger, where I put Silver with a skull n cross bones :)

Products used:
Seche Clear base Coat
Wet N Wild- Metallica
Elf- Light Red
Art Deco-Black
Konad Stamp Set

Gay Pride Nails

Here Is what I created for Gay Pride Weekend In SF!!
Products used:
Kiss Nails
Art Deco-Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
Sinful- Orange
Seche Vite Top Coat